birthday’s coming up, and, to be perfectly honest, it makes me feel kinda old.
In the grand scheme of Things, I’m more Spring Chicken than Dinosaur, but I
don’t get carded as often as I used to, and my joints sound like a bowl of
cereal when I’m stumbling up the steps after a long evening of Not Getting Carded.
Luckily for
me, though, dinosaurs don’t (didn’t?) exactly suck. Sure, there are only a
handful of these ancient critters left if you count alligators, giant
tortoises, and the “seasoned gent” who lives next door to my uncle (I’m pretty
sure his Social Security number is 27), but there’s much to be said for once dominating a planet and remaining relevant millions of years after you and your
velociraptor cousins decided to check out that insane meteor shower. Personally,
I count myself lucky that my mailman finally stopped calling me “Steve” last
week, so I’m pretty sure nobody’s gonna remember me in a few thousand
One could
only wonder, though, had the Tyrannosaurus Rex flexed its miniature cerebrum
more often, if he and his buddies would still be around. Then again, were that
the case, they’d be our overlords now, and we wouldn’t have tasty Things like
chicken. Or this sweet T. Rex lamp!
If Ben Franklin only knew how we used the results of his kite experiment... |
Could you imagine ole Rex
with his little arms trying to replace the bulb?
…or season his Triceratops steak?
(I can, and
it’s a Thing of beauty.)
Finally! A delicious excuse
for owning only one pot! |
If you’re
simply grateful to be on top of the food chain, taking advantage of our
evolutionary blessings—like the mightily delicious chicken—maybe a few new recipes are more up your alley.
Mmmm… chicken
pot pie. Might have to make one for my birthday in honor of being one step
closer to Dinosaur Status.
Until next
Bobby (not
Posted by:
Bobby | 8:00 AM |
It’s almost Presidents’ Day—you know what that means?
Mattress sales! No battling school buses on your morning commute (school-bus
battles are brutal—those kids got serious game)! Three-day weekend!
In all seriousness, Presidents’ Day was originally
established to recognize and honor the birth of George Washington. While our
first President’s birthday actually falls on February 22nd (on the
Gregorian calendar, for you history purists), we celebrate it on the third
Monday of February. Why? So the day can be observed to honor all U.S.
presidents? While many Americans do observe Presidents’ Day in this
manner, the date was actually adjusted to
give those who work for our government more three-day weekends. No joke. The
Uniform Monday Holiday Act was passed in 1971 for the purpose of changing the
dates of certain federal holidays so that they fall on a Monday, thus giving government
employees more Mondays off.
Lucky saps.
We tried something similar here at Things, but despite our
best efforts, International Goof Off Day has failed to be recognized on our company-wide
holiday calendar two years in a row. We’re hoping 2017 will prove third time’s
a charm…
So, what are some Things YOU can do to celebrate ol’ George’s
birthday? Well, I have a few suggestions:
- Binge-watch Presidential documentaries on the
History channel
- Wear a powdered wig while you’re out buying that
sweet new mattress
- Take a hatchet to a cherry tree*
- Snag some amazing collectible currency featuring
Mr. Washington’s handsome mug that you can later pass on to a youngster—history
*If you
choose this option, make sure it’s your own cherry tree. My neighbor got a
little angry over last year’s Presidents’ Day celebration, even though he got a
cherry pie out of the deal. You just can’t please everyone…
See you next week,
Posted by:
Bobby | 8:00 AM |
Magic has been around for about 5,000 years or so. The
Westcar Papyrus, tells five tales of illusionists performing in the Pharaohs' courts. As one messy story goes, a magician named Dedi beheaded and then restored several animals for Egyptian king, Cheops.
Street magic seems new, but it's not. Ancient Greek tales describe street magicians performing variations of the "cups and balls" trick (using rocks instead of balls). Magicians didn't have anywhere
but the street to perform and they didn't carry their own props; they had to use Things they could find or get from their audience to perform slight-of-hand illusions.
The Indian Rope Trick was described over 600 years ago, but it's impossible to recreate as told. The full trick goes like this: a magician suspends a rope in the air while a boy climbs up it hurling insults at the audience. The magician follows, disappears out of sight and body parts rain down on the ground. The magician descends the rope, picks up the parts, puts them in a basket and shakes it. The boy then emerges from the basket unharmed. Only parts of this famous trick can be recreated as told.
And then there was Black Herman - a magician who won fame and fortune for being buried alive and then coming back to life - even after his death. One night he collapsed onstage and
really died. After which his faithful fans gathered outside the funeral home, waiting to see the rest of the "trick." Herman's assistant, who knew his boss better than anyone, suggested to the funeral home that the magician would have charged admission. So they did.
Sadly for his fans, Black Herman didn't come back from his last trick. And there were no refunds offered.
See you next week,
Posted by:
Bobby | 8:00 AM |
It's an unfortunate fact of life that we have to be concerned with safety in today's world. A quick glance at the evening news demonstrates how important it is to secure yourself, your home, and your office. The best way to do that is being prepared
before someThing happens. Here are a few security tips to get you started:
Cameras - real or fake. Burglars don't like to bother with businesses and homes that are under surveillance. Even a dummy camera can sometimes deter a criminal. But if you want to see what goes on while you're away or to monitor what's happening outside while you're inside, a wireless camera is just the Thing.
Early warning systems. Dogs can be a deterrent, but if you can’t get a big, scary watchdog, an electronic dog can “see" through doors and walls. The Thing will start “barking” when someone comes within fifteen feet, warning you before the bad guy gets inside. (Plus, an electronic dog won’t sell you out for a cheeseburger like my real dog Bosco would.) And so you can see what’s going on, a digital peephole lets you see what’s happening outside without putting yourself at risk.
Light it up. Criminals prefer an easy target, so outdoor lighting is one of the Things most of them will try to avoid. And you don’t even have to run up your energy bill. A motion activated light lets you know when someone is creeping around outside and chases away would-be burglars.
Defend yourself. If you find yourself in a confrontation with a criminal, it's good to have some self defense training to back you up. Krav Maga is easy to learn and works for anyone - no matter your size or strength.
I know this topic isn't as much fun as some of the others I've blogged, but sometimes even
I have to be serious. Not too often, but sometimes...
Stay safe,
Posted by:
Bobby | 8:00 AM |
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