birthday’s coming up, and, to be perfectly honest, it makes me feel kinda old.
In the grand scheme of Things, I’m more Spring Chicken than Dinosaur, but I
don’t get carded as often as I used to, and my joints sound like a bowl of
cereal when I’m stumbling up the steps after a long evening of Not Getting Carded.
Luckily for
me, though, dinosaurs don’t (didn’t?) exactly suck. Sure, there are only a
handful of these ancient critters left if you count alligators, giant
tortoises, and the “seasoned gent” who lives next door to my uncle (I’m pretty
sure his Social Security number is 27), but there’s much to be said for once dominating a planet and remaining relevant millions of years after you and your
velociraptor cousins decided to check out that insane meteor shower. Personally,
I count myself lucky that my mailman finally stopped calling me “Steve” last
week, so I’m pretty sure nobody’s gonna remember me in a few thousand
One could
only wonder, though, had the Tyrannosaurus Rex flexed its miniature cerebrum
more often, if he and his buddies would still be around. Then again, were that
the case, they’d be our overlords now, and we wouldn’t have tasty Things like
chicken. Or this sweet T. Rex lamp!
If Ben Franklin only knew how we used the results of his kite experiment... |
Could you imagine ole Rex
with his little arms trying to replace the bulb?
…or season his Triceratops steak?
(I can, and
it’s a Thing of beauty.)
Finally! A delicious excuse
for owning only one pot! |
If you’re
simply grateful to be on top of the food chain, taking advantage of our
evolutionary blessings—like the mightily delicious chicken—maybe a few new recipes are more up your alley.
Mmmm… chicken
pot pie. Might have to make one for my birthday in honor of being one step
closer to Dinosaur Status.
Until next
Bobby (not