The unofficial cast of the new “Ghostbusters” movie got an official approval from former 'Buster Dan Aykroyd yesterday. While the agents and studio haggled over the details, director Paul Feig tweeted a collage of Melissa McCarthy, Kristin Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones, setting the internet all abuzz.
Most people love the idea of an all-female ghostbusting team, including franchise veteran Aykroyd. As he told The Hollywood Reporter: The Aykroyd family is delighted by this inheritance of the Ghostbusters torch by these most magnificent women in comedy. My great grandfather, Dr. Sam Aykroyd, the original Ghostbuster, was a man who empowered women in his day, and this is a beautiful development in the legacy of our family business.
Like I said, most people love the idea. There are some — mostly male — dissenters whining all over Twitter about Feig destroying their childhood memories. Pretty silly if you ask me. The cast is perfectly in line with tradition: a collection of hilarious comedians, heavily stacked with Saturday Night Live alumni. Reminds me exactly of the original. The Ghostbusters reboot is scheduled to drop July 22, 2016. I can’t wait.
See you next week,