How would you like to have bionic eyes? I know I would. Every year I lose a little more vision. I finally had to give in and get some reading glasses when my sister (who thinks she’s a comedian but definitely is not!) pointed out my arms weren’t long enough for reading anymore.
Meet the Ocumetics Bionic Lens, which the company says has “the potential to revolutionize human eyesight.” With just a “small surgery”, the Bionic Lens replaces your natural one.
According to Dr. Garrett Web, the creator of the Bionic lens, it does more than repair damaged vision, it improves and enhances vision. The average person can see the hands of a clock at about ten feet away. Dr. Web claims his lenses will allow people to see the same clock from over 30 feet away!
They still have a couple of years of tests and trials, but the Bionic Lens could completely eliminate the need for many eye surgeries, including laser and cataract procedures. And it could be the end of glasses as we know them.
Believe me, I’ll be watching for these Things to come out. If I can find my glasses.
See you next week,
Geek hero Simon Pegg got himself in some trouble this week. After blasting geek culture for playing a role in the “dumbing down” of society and then having to explain himself (again) when the Internet rose up against him (again), he took on the topic of trying to make Star Trek Beyond “less Trek-y”. And that didn’t really make Things better for poor Pegg.
It seems the first Star Trek Beyond script, ran a bit too close to the source for Paramount. So Pegg is co-writing a new version and trying to make the movie more accessible — for geeks and non-geeks alike. In an interview with Radio Times Magazine, Pegg said, “People don’t see [Star Trek] being a fun, brightly colored, Saturday night entertainment like the Avengers.” So he wants to “make a western or a thriller or a heist movie, then populate that with Star Trek characters so it’s more inclusive…”
Wait, what?
Trek expert Devin Faraci writes, “Simon Pegg says stuff that could be freaking people out for no reason.” Pegg has a (seemingly) masochistic habit of doing that pretty much all the time, but if he’s on target about what the studio wants from the next Star Trek script, people are freaking themselves out for no reason.
As Faraci points out, “They just want to make it like the original Star Trek TV show. A show that was pitched as Wagon Train To The Stars, a space western. A show that had episodes where Kirk and Spock found themselves on a planet ruled by 1930s mafioso, a show where the spirit of Jack the Ripper took over Scotty and a show where one of the greatest episodes is a submarine battle story.”
Now, I’m a big fan of Simon Pegg despite some of his online antics. But he got it wrong (again) when he said Paramount is trying to make the next movie “less Trek-y.” Any true Trekkie can plainly see that they’re trying to make the next movie more Trek-y than the last.
Live long and prosper. See you next week,
Want to have some cooling and super cool pool parties this summer? I have just the Things for you! We’ve been getting summer stuff for months
and I’ve been dying to try out all our new Things. And it finally got warm enough to take some of these Cool Pool Things out for a test swim!
First, is it a shark or a squirt gun? Answer: both! This pool “toy” lives up to its fierce reputation. With lifelike “skin” and awesome detailing, you’re almost afraid to go in the water — even when you know it’s a fake! But once you work up the courage to get in, submerge the great white hunter in the pool, then squeeze his gills to turn him into a predatory squirt gun!
Aqua Rockets are a close second to the shark gun. These babies can shoot rockets up to 20 feet in the air using the water in your pool! And you
don’t need batteries or fancy controls. You just put the Thing in the pool, pull the launcher and the water does the rest.
Finally, my favorite Thing for the pool this summer: the red-eyed floating gator decoy. It’s sort of made for ponds — you know, to
scare noisy ducks or geese away from your backyard. But to use it only for a decoy would be to ignore the true genius of the Thing: it scares the crap
out of people! Here’s a tip: it’s really effective at night, especially for adult gatherings by the pool.
Have fun this summer. See you next week,
The North American Manure Expo (yes, that’s a real Thing) is holding a slogan contest for this year’s event. And entries are really piling up.
The 13th annual trade show, which will be held in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania in July, will showcase the latest technology in manure handling, treatment and application.
The official slogan, which will appear on the front of the event T-shirt, has already been chosen: “2015 Manure Expo: Manure than you can Handle!” But you can get your slogan on the back of the T-shirt, which event organizers say will showcase “10 of the 'crappiest' also-rans.” If your slogan wins one of the ten crappiest spots, you'll get yourself a free T-shirt out of the deal.
Here are a few of the entries they've received so far:
So get your mind working and get your entry in by May 15 to immortalize your wit and win a “crappy” T-Shirt!
Try not to step in anyThing and I’ll see you next week,