Want to have some cooling and super cool pool parties this summer? I have just the Things for you! We’ve been getting summer stuff for months
and I’ve been dying to try out all our new Things. And it finally got warm enough to take some of these Cool Pool Things out for a test swim!
First, is it a shark or a squirt gun? Answer: both! This pool “toy” lives up to its fierce reputation. With lifelike “skin” and awesome detailing, you’re almost afraid to go in the water — even when you know it’s a fake! But once you work up the courage to get in, submerge the great white hunter in the pool, then squeeze his gills to turn him into a predatory squirt gun!
Aqua Rockets are a close second to the shark gun. These babies can shoot rockets up to 20 feet in the air using the water in your pool! And you
don’t need batteries or fancy controls. You just put the Thing in the pool, pull the launcher and the water does the rest.
Finally, my favorite Thing for the pool this summer: the red-eyed floating gator decoy. It’s sort of made for ponds — you know, to
scare noisy ducks or geese away from your backyard. But to use it only for a decoy would be to ignore the true genius of the Thing: it scares the crap
out of people! Here’s a tip: it’s really effective at night, especially for adult gatherings by the pool.
Have fun this summer. See you next week,