I saw
Jurassic World the other night. Okay, I saw it for the third time. I'd still have to see it at least three more times to catch up to my original
Jurassic Park obsession. What can I say? I like dinosaurs. Even the ones that are genetically modified, incredibly scary and a little bit crazy.
But this time when I saw the latest film in the Jurassic franchise, it seemed a little easier to imagine what might
really have happened if humans had lived with dinosaurs. Would we have survived it? Been as clever as our actor counterparts in the movie? Maybe. Humans did, after all, learn to work as a team to bring down the mighty Woolly Mammoth. I'd like to think we'd have figured out how to make dino-food out of the big reptiles.
But what if
today we all of a sudden we woke up surrounded by escaped prehistoric creatures? We're not used to being hunted — and eaten — by wild creatures anymore. (Office politics doesn't count.)
It's a fun Thing to ponder. But one I'm glad we'll (probably) never know the answer to.
See you at the movies,