December 18th is almost here. It's National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day! Want to take home top honors this year? Better start planning now. The competition can be
fierce. And super ugly.
According to the official web site, the holiday is all about "proudly sporting your favorite ugly Christmas sweater for the entire day...regardless of circumstances. Wear it to school, to work, to a funeral, to your sister's wedding..."
That means you have to go all in if you're going to participate. You have to wear that ugly Thing wherever you go. No matter what happens.
So dig out those gaudy garments. Or, better yet, grab someThing new. Then head out for the office party, the local pub or the neighborhood coffee shop to show off in all your garish glory. I'm hoping to win a cash prize. So I can let it ride on a brand new, even uglier sweater for next year.
See you next week,