Summer is just around the corner! For many, that means warmer temps, no school-zone slowdowns on your daily commute, and endless outdoor shenanigans. This week, I want to share a few tips on how to get the best out of your summer.

• Go sleeveless - Exercise your right to “bare” arms and level up your pun game at the same time with this
2nd Amendment sleeveless denim shirt. Or rock your veteran status with this
Vietnam Veteran tank top.

• Grill like a grownup - You can BBQ a mean burger, but what does that grill look like when you’re done? Steam clean that bad boy with the
Grill Daddy® to get rid of all the grease and baked-on food without using harsh chemicals.

• Create your own force field - Keep mosquitoes and their plague-filled needle faces away without using sprays or candles by wearing a
Personal Mosquito Repeller. Zika is noThing to screw with. Neither is West Nile Virus, Malaria, or… mosquitoes are evil, OK?
• Stay hydrated - No, don’t drink sunscreen. These “sunscreen”
tubes and
bottles are actually secret booze smugglers! Fill them up with your poison of choice to add a little spice to a dull cookout. Or simply use one as a water bottle at the beach and enjoy the looks of horror you get for chugging some SPF 30.
• Protect your noggin - Shield yourself from the sun with a wide-brimmed, breathable hat, like this
Solarweave Breezer. SPF 50+ cotton fabric and extra-wide brim helps block 99% of the sun’s harmful UVB rays, and mesh crown helps keep you cool.
• Feel the breeze - We have an arsenal of fans to blow your hair back and cool you off! The
iFan plugs into your iPhone®, this
mini fan is more powerful than its size suggests, and the
Kool Down™ is your own portable AC unit.
Check out our other summer Things
here and start your summer off #LikeABoss.
On the behalf of everyone here at
Things, I’d like to wish everyone an enjoyable and safe holiday weekend, as well as extend our heartfelt thanks to our military service members on this Memorial Day as we reflect upon and honor those who’ve given their lives for the freedoms we enjoy in the good ole US of A.
See you next week,
Posted by:
Bobby | 8:00 AM |

I’d like to take a moment to give a huge shout-out to all
Things fans serving in the U.S. Military. You guys are real-life superheroes, and your selflessness, bravery, and loyalty are an enormous part of what makes America great! Thank you for your service, and Happy Armed Forces Day!
For those unfamiliar with this holiday, you may be thinking, “Wait… is Bobby referring to Memorial Day?” or “Hold up… I thought Veterans Day was in November.”
Allow me to clear that up for you…

Tomorrow, is Armed Forces Day, a holiday celebrated every year on the third Saturday in May. In 1950, President Truman proclaimed Armed Forces Day to be a “combined demonstration by America’s defense team of its progress . . . towards the goal of readiness for any eventuality.” In other words, it’s a day in which we honor the brave men and women who currently serve in all branches of the U.S. military, and they get to show us just how awesome they are (air show, anyone?).

Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday in May, originally began as Decoration Day following the Civil War, where citizens would decorate the graves of fallen Union soldiers. By the 20th century, it became known as Memorial Day and had been extended to honor all American military personnel who’ve died serving our country.

In 1938, Armistice Day was made a legal holiday to celebrate the cessation of hostilities between the Allied Nations and Germany on November 11, 1918, and to honor the veterans of the first World War. Following WWII and the Korean War, U.S. Congress later changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day to honor American veterans of all wars.

Put simply, Armed Forces Day honors current military personnel, Memorial Day honors--or memorializes--those who’ve died in military service, and Veterans Day honors those who have previously served in the military--including those who have paid the ultimate price in the line of duty.
If you’re looking for a unique way to honor the troops in your life, or show off your own military pride, we’ve got a wide variety of
Military Things at Check ‘em out, and if you see a fellow
Things fan sporting one of our
caps or
tees, be sure to thank that patriot for their service!
See you next week,
Posted by:
Bobby | 8:00 AM |
Happy Limerick Day!
Today we celebrate English artist/illustrator/author/poet/superhero Edward Lear's birthday by creating and sharing ridiculous limericks, a poetic style to which he has been widely credited.
I love a good limerick. Hell, I even love a bad limerick. For those horrifically unaware of this exquisite style of poetry, a limerick is a short, nonsense poem consisting of five lines. The first two lines rhyme with the fifth, and the second and third lines rhyme with each other. Purists suggest following a strict number of syllables per line, but that often proves limiting.
[1] In general, lines three and four are shorter than the others, and the stanza follows a bouncy rhythm called "anapestic meter". What this all boils down to is that they're not fancy-pants sonnets, and you don't have to be Shakespeare to whip one out (though, the bard has actually written a few, so no pressure, right?).
I've included a couple of helpful examples below, so you, too, can appreciate this fine linguistic art. The first was inspired by the day the
Things Crew carried out their revenge for when I'd loaded all the office desk fans with glitter on April Fools' Day.
[2] The second illustrates a delightfully popular limerick style
[3], where the content is more... suggestive.
Without further ado..
(Almost) Death By Nachos
There once was a guy named Bobby
Who'd sampled the free nachos in the lobby
He soon realized
He'd need to be hospitalized
For the pranksters had switched the guacamole with wasabi.[4]
Get To The Choppa
There once was a dude named Rick
Who couldn't wait to show off his new trick
When a victim he'd spy
"Check this out!" he'd cry
And impersonate a helicopter using only his elbow.[5]
Limericks celebrate the beauty that is juvenile humor, which is an important quality we strive to cultivate at Things, as evidenced by our truckloads of shenanigan-inspiring gags for the maturity challenged, ranging from
joke books to
prank gift boxes to
fake poop.
And should you aspire to write a score of your very own limericks (YES OMG DO IT), but lack the inspiration, you can find many helpful word choices in our
Creative Cursing Book.
See you next week,
1. For me, because I can only brain so hard and I have Things to do.
2. Maybe now they'll start reading my blog, because it's not like I didn't warn them.
3. As well as the fact that I haven't matured past the seventh grade.
4. My sinuses are still recovering,
5. Not actually his elbow.
6. Bonus: This book is especially handy at the DMV.
Posted by:
Bobby | 8:00 AM |
In the early 20th century, the majority of the condiments we know and love--including ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise--were imported from a large, now wildly popular, manufacturer in England. In 1912, this condiment manufacturer took advantage of the publicity surrounding the maiden voyage of a luxury cruise liner (that we all now hold responsible for robbing Leonardo DiCaprio of an Oscar 20 years ago), by utilizing said voyage to promote their brand and ship their largest-ever amount of cargo consisting of 5,000 containers each of ketchup and mustard, and 16,000 jars of mayonnaise to the U.S. and Mexico, the latter of which was to receive a little over 2/3 of the massive mayo shipment.
That shipment never arrived.
Shortly before midnight on the fourth day of this historic voyage, the cruise liner--the RMS Titanic, for those who missed my earlier tongue-in-cheek reference--hit an iceberg about 375 miles south of Newfoundland. On the morning of the fifth day, she sank. Rose broke her promise to "never let go," 1,503 people perished, and 26,000 condiment containers, including 10,700 jars of Mexico's long-awaited mayo plunged to the bottom of the ocean.
Which brings us to Mexico's day of remembrance for the tragedy now referred to as...
Wait for it...
Sinko de Mayo.
Obviously (at least, I hope it's now obvious), most of what I just said is pure rubbish
[1]. In all seriousness,
Things fans, happy Cindo de Mayo! For those not familiar with the history of this holiday, it's actually to honor the day Mexico's army defeated the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. Today, Cinco de Mayo is also largely associated with celebrating the richness of Mexican-American culture, which is why folks of various nationalities now take to the streets to pound chimichangas, toast Saint Tequila, and don sombreros.
How am I celebrating? For one, I'm preventing the sinking of my mayo by using my handy
Condiment Gun. Though, I'm using one of the cartridges for sour cream, because nobody should shoot mayo on a taco. I'm also going to christen my new
STAR WARS shot glasses with someThing strong enough to create a disturbance int The Force, because why not also celebrate
[2] at the same time?
1. EveryThing except the fact that the Titanic actually hit an iceberg, sank, and took 1,503 people with her. And that Leo was robbed. Why he had to get attacked by a bear before the Academy recognized his talent is beyond me.
2. Again. Because if you don't celebrate STAR WARS Day on May 4th like a good little Padawan, St. Yoda takes away your light saber.
Posted by:
Bobby | 8:00 AM |
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