Things You Never Knew Existed
Things You Never Knew is the place to shop for novelties, gag gifts and hilarious t-shirts. We also offer magic tricks, novelty collectibles and bizarre toys, books and videos. Recycle
Friday, March 24, 2017
Forget Christmas.

Yeah, that’s right. You heard me!

April Fools’ Day is—hands-down—my favorite holiday. Even here at Things, I need an excuse for pulling pranks on the crew. April 1st gives me that excuse, so I take it and run with it, cackling.

I’m that guy who leaves out a bowl of Skittles mixed with M&Ms in the break room. I’m the one taping tiny pictures of Nicholas Cage on the underside of computer mice (even the track-ball ones, because, as it turns out, I’m occasionally an idiot…). I’m even the guy who puts glitter in desktop portable fans.

Wait… that last one’s happening this year. (Don’t tell anyone, OK? It’ll be our sparkly secret.)

Looking for some new ammunition for the office? Some shiny gems to bring to your next White Elephant Gift Exchange? Well, look no further than Novelties You Never Knew Existed!

Pranks In A Tin: This classic arsenal’s gotcha covered from top to “bottom” with a fake nail through the finger, hand buzzer, Whoopy Cushion, and more fun Things.

Gag Lotto Tickets: Give your coworkers a desperate ray of hope only to SNATCH IT AWAY AND RUN FOR THE HILLS! Every scratch-off is a winner. The recipients? Not so much.

Poop Soap: It’s actual soap, but it looks like a big ole butt truffle. Leave it by the sink in the office bathroom. (Bonus points if you leave it on your “favorite” coworker’s keyboard instead.)

Remote Control Fart Machine: This delightful device “speaks” for itself. All the obnoxious blasting without the noxious “ghosts of burritos past”.

So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to Things You Never Knew Existed and peruse our entire collection of pranks, toys, games, and gadgets, and load up in time for that White Elephant Gift Exchange!

Let the shenaniganery begin!

See you next week,

Posted by: Bobby | 8:01 AM | permalink
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