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Friday, October 13, 2017
Remember when you had to be at home to get a telephone call? When the phone was actually hard wired? Just in case you don't, see the telephone at left. Yup. That's what Things used to be like. To take a call, you had to be tethered to a wall!*

It was a Dark Age.

But (WHEW!) that's all over now. Six out of seven people on the planet have cell phones or smartphones. In fact, more people have cell phones than toilets!

But we don’t just spend trillions of minutes talking. That would be, like, so lame.

No, here in this Bright Age of Tech, we do everyThing with our phones. We send send over eight trillion text messages a year. That's the number eight with 12 zeroes after it. And we spend 720,000,000,000 minutes a day on social media platforms. Talk time barely measures compared to the other Things we do on our phones in the New Age.

What ever did we do back in the Dark Age? We missed unimportant calls. We couldn't LOL or LIKE or SHARE someThing without actually (shudder) seeing someone in person.! The absolute horror of it all!

Sarcasm aside, I admit that my cellphone and I are joined at the hip. (Almost literally since I carry it on my belt.) I need it to keep in touch with the business while I'm camping with my dog. To get the scoop on the Next Big Thing no matter where I am. To watch Epic Fail videos on YouTube while I’m waiting in some line for someThing I probably don’t want to do.

But I also admit there are days when I want to accidentally-on-purpose leave the Thing at home. I envision being like Bear Grylls, fighting my way through the unforgiving wilds of the Tech World without my gadgets.

And then I remember: I love gadgets! Gadgets are my Thing!

Besides, I’m no Bear of any kind. After about an hour, they’d find me crawling through the city streets, phone in hand, begging for just a little bit of a charge…and maybe some extra data.

See you next week,

*Full Disclosure: I still have a hard wired phone - I use it to call my cell phone when I can't find it.
Posted by: Bobby | 8:00 AM | permalink
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