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Friday, August 7, 2015
Ah, the dog days of summer. Perfect for finding a shady spot in the yard (preferably a hammock!), a chair by the pool or a spot on the couch to stay cool and read a good book. Since Sunday, August 9th is National Book Lover's Day, you have the perfect excuse to do one Thing all day: read.

But if you're a bookworm with a philanthropic bent, you might want to spend half the day reading and the other half helping others. Some of my favorite bookworms gave me a few suggestions. Here are five of my favorite Things for National Book Lover's Day:
  • Make a list of your favorite books and post it online.
  • Read to someone. Anyone. Maybe a kid. Or an elderly person. Your spouse. 
  • Give away your old books. Donate them to a library or a school or give them to friends as gifts to celebrate the holiday.
  • Start a Little Free Library book box in your neighborhood. Get your neighbors involved and put up an exchange where people can take a book and leave a book. 
  • Host a reading party. Gather some snacks, some friends and some good books and just lay around reading - with the TV off!
It doesn't matter what you read. Fiction. Nonfiction. Romance. Horror. Mystery. Crime. Even a comic book. AnyThing. From the classics (you can get a bunch of them free for e-readers from Project Gutenberg) to "52 Things to Do While You Poo" will do. The point of Book Lover's Day is to show your appreciation for the written word by taking a day to relax and lose yourself in a different world on a hot summer day.

See you next week,

Posted by: Bobby | 8:00 AM | permalink
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