Ah, the dog days of summer. Perfect for finding a shady spot in the yard (preferably a hammock!), a chair by the pool or a spot on the couch to stay cool and read a good book. Since Sunday, August 9th is National Book Lover's Day, you have the perfect excuse to do one Thing all day: read.
But if you're a bookworm with a philanthropic bent, you might want to spend half the day reading and the other half helping others. Some of my favorite bookworms gave me a few suggestions. Here are five of my favorite Things for National Book Lover's Day:
- Make a list of your favorite books and post it online.
- Read to someone. Anyone. Maybe a kid. Or an elderly person. Your spouse.
- Give away your old books. Donate them to a library or a school or give them to friends as gifts to celebrate the holiday.
- Start a Little Free Library book box in your neighborhood. Get your neighbors involved and put up an exchange where people can take a book and leave a book.
- Host a reading party. Gather some snacks, some friends and some good books and just lay around reading - with the TV off!
It doesn't matter what you read. Fiction. Nonfiction. Romance. Horror. Mystery. Crime. Even a comic book. AnyThing. From the classics (you can get a bunch of them free for e-readers from
Project Gutenberg) to "
52 Things to Do While You Poo" will do. The point of Book Lover's Day is to show your appreciation for the written word by taking a day to relax and lose yourself in a different world on a hot summer day.
See you next week,