Okay, I'm about to throw my twice-yearly fit.

We have to turn our clocks back next weekend (at 2:00 am local time on Sunday, November 5 to be exact).
I heard the news this morning while sucking down coffee and trying to wake up.
I wanted to throw myself to the ground, kicking and screaming and crying until my face turned blue. But they say I'm too old for that.

(I don't know who
They are, but apparently
They get to be the boss of me because I didn't throw my tantrum.)
Anyway, back to the subject at hand: the dreaded time change.

I hate-hate-hate it. But you probably know that. Pretty sure I complain about it on this blog every year. Sometimes twice a year. At least once for
Here's the Thing about the time swing: it takes us (no, it's not just me!) about two weeks to adjust.
During that two weeks our body clocks spin out of control.
We're up all night. And sleeping at, on, or under our desks (if we can get away with it) by day.

Which makes us (me) cranky.
Personally, I'd stick to Daylight Savings Time and just leave Things be. But it's not just me. There's a whole
Facebook community dedicated to time change refuseniks.

Even better, 21 states tried to #locktheclock this year. Most of the bills failed, but
not for lack of trying. Seems even some state legislators get cranky about the time change.
Hate the change? Join the #locktheclock movement. If we all work together, maybe we can Stop the Madness - next year.
See you next week.