This Sunday most of us will be compelled to 'Fall Back' by setting our clocks back one hour. Did I mention how much I despise the time change? I think I did...
once or
twice or a hundred times. But, hey, I'm not here to complain. (
This week.)
I'm here to say, "Grab hold of your 'extra' hour on Sunday and don't let go!" Think about it: we've been
OWED that hour since we were so inhumanely forced to Spring Forward. (But who's bitter? Not me.)
Soooo...moving right along...there's some good news from the belly of this beastly madness:
we're getting our hour
back on Sunday.
Now that's someThing to celebrate, don't you think? I'm guessing that's why some brainiac blogger came up with a new holiday ‐ Zero Tasking Day - on the day we Fall Back. Grab your so‐called 'extra' hour (along with the rest of the day!) and use it for whatever you want.
Two naps?
Three naps (aka sleeping all day)?
Not a good napper? Yeah, me either. But that doesn't mean you have to miss out on your Slothful Sunday. You could read a book. Listen to music. Watch TV. Or just sit there staring into space ‐ as long as you don't do One Single Thing.
What am I doing?
#MovieDay! It's gonna be all movies. All. The. Time.
I can't even be bothered to search for someThing to stream online. I just laid in a stock of
DVDs. I've got my comedies: the
Stooges and wild man
Jeff Dunham. I've got
classic horror flicks from Vincent Price to Bella Lugosi. I've got a Wide World of Weird and Wonderful Things to watch, including a collection of
bizarre Things that happened right here in America and a new video about visionary
Nikola Tesla, which I've been dying to watch but I couldn't find the time. (Oh, the irony, right?) I even got pre‐bagged popcorn because even microwaving is a
task, isn't it? And Zero Tasking means 0 ‐ as in not even
one, right?
Pretty sure I'm getting the hang of Zero Tasking Day already. And if Things go as planned, I think I'm gonna like this new holiday. A lot.
See you next week,