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Friday, February 12, 2016
Last year I told you about how they held a school board election in Riceville, Iowa and nobody came. Well, just when you think local elections couldn't get any weirder...

A city councilman in East Chicago took the oath of office in January — from the county jail. Councilman Robert Battle is being held without bail, charged with a murder during a drug-deal-gone-bad (as if they go any other way!)

Even though his constituents knew of the charges before the election, Robert Battle won the election. But wait, it gets even weirder than that: he can't be forced from office unless he confesses to — or is convicted of — the murder. 

We might think some of our national politicians are corrupt, but at least none are in jail on murder charges. The way I look at it, the upcoming general election isn't looking so bad now, is it?

Stay out of trouble (especially if you're running for office!) and I'll see you next week,

Posted by: Bobby | 8:00 AM | permalink
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