Summer’s here and so’s the weekend! You know what that means? It’s time to crack open a cold one, Things fans!
But first, some fun beer trivia.
Oh, OK. You don’t have to wait. Go ahead and chug that brew right now while you read. You deserve it
Things You Probably Never Knew About Beer
• The workers who built the Great Pyramids of Giza were paid in beer (and bread, but we all know which one is more important). That would be the only reason I’d keep returning to work if it was my job to drag stones under the desert sun all day.
• Approximately 50 million people around the world are drunk right this second. I have to admit to being a little jealous of this fact, seeing as how it’s breakfast time here at Things, and it would be poor form to down a six-pack at the office when I haven’t even finished my donut. #AdultingIsHard
• The winner at Finland’s Wife Carrying World Championships receives the wife’s weight in beer. Also, Wife Carrying races are a Thing.
• In Austria, you can actually swim in pools of beer. (This both appalls and intrigues me.)
• The average beer contains about 4.5% alcohol by volume. The world’s strongest beer, however, contains a staggering 67.5%. It’s called Snake Venom. The name alone makes my liver whimper.
Beer trivia not enough to tide you over ‘til happy hour? Check out the small sampling of our beer Things below (a “Beer-Things Flight”, if you will).
You can find even more by clicking
See you next week,
1. But not if you're under the age of 21. Or while you’re on the clock. Or at school. Or right before (or while) driving. Duh. Or at church… well, maybe church…