When deadlines are barreling down on me like a demonic locomotive, I often depend on music to help me keep my head. I’m gonna wave my nerd flag here and say I’m a fan of film scores and “trailer music”. Occasionally, however, listening to this “genre” can often be to the detriment of my work when I have some stirring, dramatic fantasy piece with powerful horns and violent percussion funneling through my ear buds and into my brain, and right in the middle of the work day, I’ll be filled with an overwhelming need to don a Viking helmet AND SLAY A DRAGON AND MOUNT ITS REPTILIAN SKULL ON THE WALL OF MY CASTLE… er… office? Clearly, I get swept away, but that’s what fantasy is all about right?

And what’s a good fantasy without dragons? Less fiery and dangerous (i.e., less interesting), that’s what! Dragons are terrifying. Dragons are beautiful. Dragons are Bad Ass. And we have a sweet collection of dragon
artifacts Things for all your fantasy needs.
Dragon On Skull Light-Up Figure – This miniature majestic beasts looks like it would sooner tear your fingers off than let you near its treasure! And can you ever go wrong when you combine dragons AND skulls? That answer is “no.”
Dragon Skull Stapler – This is hands-down my favorite desk accessory. I imagine him eating every document I shove between his stapling fangs. It makes paperwork fun.
Personalized Dragon Slaying Service Tee – With your name slapped on this wearable work of art, don’t be surprised when the requests start pouring in for you to rescue royal hotties from tall towers. Also, imagine adding “Dragon Slayer” to your resume. Just. Imagine.
Check out our other Dragon Things
here. While you’re at it, cue up an epic film score and liven up the office a little… and should you feel musically inspired to run a sword through that chronically jamming office printer, well… let’s just say I can sympathize, my friend.
See you next week,