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Friday, May 20, 2016
Is Extrasensory Perception (ESP) really a Thing? And if it is, do you have it? Or are you "psi missing"?

In An Introduction to Parapsychology, researchers say that some people not only lack ESP, they have basically the opposite of it. This group of people scores below "simple chance" on card guessing tests. In fact, their scores fall so far below what researchers consider chance, they concluded that these "psi missing" folks might actually be trying to guess the wrong cards.

The most interesting Thing about all of this research? Dr. Douglas Dean of the Newark College of Engineering studied this effect in businessmen and found that those who scored "high psi" tend to make money while the "psi missing" tend to lose money on their ventures.

Of course that doesn't prove that successful people have ESP while the less successful don't. But they might be better at guessing games. And if there's one Thing I know about games: practice makes perfect.

I predict that I'll see you next week,

Posted by: Bobby | 8:00 AM | permalink
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