Torrelodones, a small town outside Madrid, Spain is drowning in dog doo. So much so that they erected this
giant inflatable pile of poop to remind errant dog owners to pick up after their pooches.

Ángel Guirao, spokesman for the town council explained why the titanic turd is necessary to the town: "Torrelodones has around 6,000 dogs and let’s say they do an average of three dumps a day, that is around 15,000 separate poos producing some 500kg of excrement a day. Many owners just don’t pick up." That's over a half a ton of poop just left on the streets, in peoples' yards, in parks and just about anywhere else a dog can do its business.
Every single day.
Town leaders believe the inflatable and several other more permanent poop structures is a "fun non-aggressive way" to encourage owners to pick up their pets' poops. They're also asking people to take selfies of themselves with the piles and post them to social media with the hashtag #NoMasCacas (no more poo).
But just last week, someone
stole the inflatable sculpture, which is over six feet tall and 10 feet wide, from the town square. City leaders are undeterred, despite the fact that the pile was pretty pricey at over $2,700. They plan to keep their "No Mas Cacas" campaign going until the town's 22,000 residents can stroll through scat-free streets.
I own a giant beast of a dog who makes giant, beastly poops. But I always pick up. No, it's not fun. And sometimes it smells so bad it almost knocks me off my feet. And then there's feeling like I'm an idiot for walking around the neighborhood with a sack of dog stool. But the bottom line is it's the right Thing to do.
See you next week. Until then, let's all do our part to make #NoMasCacas a reality.